Finn likes to sit by me while I write. Sometimes, he likes to lie on the floor and play with his myriad toys. Other times, he likes to practice rolling. But many times he likes to sit on my lap and try to take over the keyboard.
This photo was taken during one of those times. Finn was sitting on my lap, attempting to type up his own literary masterpiece, equivalent in scope only to Tolstoy's War and Peace (well in his [and my] mind, anyway), when I got fed up of my little "distraction" and lifted him up into the air, screaming "Flying baby - away!"
Little did I know the monster I had just created. His new favourite thing is to distract Mummy in order to induce a game of Flying Baby. *face palm*
When he isn't busy throwing his toys on the floor for Mum to pick them up, that is.
I love that you welcome Finn in your creative space, sharing with him something that you enjoy so much must be wonderful. I can just imagine when he gets older that he will have his own little work station for writing.